Tuesday, August 23, 2011

And So It Begins

For those of you who do not know, I am a college professor. The fall semester officially starts today for the faculty with a series of meetings that cover various administrative and bureaucratic topics, none of which have anything to do with teaching. Instead, we must ensure we are in compliance with a host of federal, state, and school rules and regulations.

In the spirit of today's absolute waste of time, and similar to previous posts on wasteful bureaucracy dragging down the economy, I offer the following.

Regulation Business, Jobs Booming Under Obama
If the federal government's regulatory operation were a business, it would be one of the 50 biggest in the country in terms of revenues, and the third largest in terms of employees, with more people working for it than McDonald's, Ford, Disney and Boeing combined.
Under President Obama, while the economy is struggling to grow and create jobs, the federal regulatory business is booming.

Regulatory agencies have seen their combined budgets grow a healthy 16% since 2008, topping $54 billion, according to the annual "Regulator's Budget," compiled by George Washington University and Washington University in St. Louis.

That's at a time when the overall economy grew a paltry 5%.

Meanwhile, employment at these agencies has climbed 13% since Obama took office to more than 281,000, while private-sector jobs shrank by 5.6%.

Michael Mandel, chief economic strategist at the Progressive Policy Institute, found that between March 2010 and March 2011 federal regulatory jobs climbed faster than either private jobs or overall government jobs. 
Regulatory production is way up, too, if you measure that by the number of rules federal agencies churn out.
The Obama administration imposed 75 new major rules in its first 26 months, costing the private sector more than $40 billion, according to a Heritage Foundation study. "No other president has imposed as high a number or cost in a comparable time period," noted the study's author, James Gattuso.

The number of pages in the Federal Register — where all new rules must be published and which serves as proxy of regulatory activity — jumped 18% in 2010.

And much more is on the way. The Federal Register notes that more than 4,200 regulations are in the pipeline.

That doesn't count impending clean air rules from the EPA, new derivative rules, or the FCC's net neutrality rule. Nor does that include recently announced fuel economy mandates or eventual ObamaCare and Dodd-Frank regulations.

But what's good for regulators isn't necessarily good for the private sector, as compliance burdens impose ever-increasing costs on businesses.

"Our economy is continuing to sink," Sen. Barrasso said, "and it's being weighed down by regulations coming out of this administration."
By 2008, the cost of complying with federal rules and regulations already exceeded $1.75 trillion a year, according to a 2010 study issued by the Small Business Administration.
Based on the above, I guess I need to develop a course on how to be a federal bureaucrat...


  1. I enjoy your blog immensely, but the content within makes me angry.

    I don't know that I could ever visit DC in the near future, because I'd be tempted beyond control to invite a congresscritter's face to visit my fist.

    Buncha fucktards.

  2. Yep, but they are CUTTING jobs in defense and R&D to PAY for those @$& regulators...sigh

  3. Bear - I share your frustration, brother. There's (at least) two huge problems up there: a shortage of people who put the best interests of this country ahead of the special interests that elected them and that are enriching them; and a total lack of common sense.

    And thanks for the kind words.

    Old NFO - We've reached the point where we're cutting muscle and bone from the areas that we need, and putting on more fat in the areas that we need to cut (or eliminate!).

    IMO the solution to the issues expressed by both of you is a thorough housecleaning, repeated as needed.

    Term limits, anyone?
