Thursday, July 21, 2011

When You Lie Down With A Dog You Get Up With Fleas

It wasn't my intent to spend the last few days posting about the ongoing jihad against businesses by obama's stooges in the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), but one thing (prosecuting a dead man) led to another (SEIU thug appointed in the dead of night to head the NLRB) which led to what I sincerely hope is the final post in this mini-series.

By now it should be obvious to anyone with a level of awareness greater than a protozoan that obama talks out of both sides of his mouth. He is such an accomplished liar and hypocrite that even his allies are often stabbed in the back. Today's case in point is his use of the EPA "to kill the coal industry because of its alleged contribution to global warming."

Doing so will, however, wreak havoc on big labor, one of his staunchest supporters, by eliminating millions of union jobs in the coal mining industry.

Obama and the EPA have proposed something called the Mercury and Air Toxics Standard (MATS), which would affect virtually every fossil-fuel powered steam generating unit in the country.
The MATS proposal has sparked massive opposition from among energy industry groups and conservative think tanks, but now a huge coalition of unions that normally are vocal supporters of Obama are warning of the loss of millions of jobs, substantial power-generation capability, and other harmful consequences radiating throughout the entire U.S. economy.
Not to mention the fact that "more than half of the electrical power used every day by Americans is generated by power plants fueled by coal. And 90 percent of all the coal consumed in the U.S. goes to electrical power generation."

So the new EPA regulations would not only kill millions of union jobs, they would leave the rest of us literally in the dark, without sufficient power to meet current or future needs.

Typical obama: he supports his allies with one hand (the NLRB) while stabbing them in the back with the other (the EPA).

And at the same time screws the rest of us with whatever he has leftover…

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