Saturday, July 30, 2011

Weekend Update

Tropical Storm Don turned out to be Tropical Storm Dud.

Little drought relief after Tropical Storm Don fizzles
Sunshine and warm temperatures returned to rain-starved South Texas after Tropical Storm Don fizzled across the region before dawn Saturday, the National Weather Service said.

Don left less than an inch of rain across much of the lower Rio Grande Valley...

"No one really thought it would shrivel up and die so quickly..."
Funny, that's what my ex-wife used to say.

In other news, our 17-year-old son returned safely from his medical mission to Guatemala. He went down there with a volunteer group led by a couple of neighbors of ours. He's a doctor, she's a nurse, and they're both caring people who are sincerely devoted to helping better other people's lives. More info about their efforts is available here. If you're in a giving mood, they can always use donations or volunteers.

Anyway, The Boy was allegedly down there bringing the benefits of modern medicine to poor and underprivileged people. Below, however, is a photo that shows how he spent his evenings.

My wife blames my side of the family...


  1. Everyone knows how important it is to immerse oneself in the local culture, to build trust and credibility with the natives. Your son was doing a fine job of it.

  2. "Your son was doing a fine job of it."

    Besides Harper,

    The guy's a doctor.

    He has access to plenty of penicillin.
