Thursday, July 14, 2011

Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire

There's been so much written and said about obama and the debt limit that there's nothing new I can add. Instead, I'd like to reemphasize two points.

First, obama lied. Not exactly a blinding news flash, I know, but nevertheless ... obama lied.

He's lied more than once, of course, but in this case I am referring to his statement that he can't guarantee older Americans will continue receiving Social Security checks next month. He went on to say "there may simply not be the money in the coffers" to issue Social Security, veterans and disability checks after Aug. 3.

That's actually two lies rolled into one.

Lie # 1: "I cannot guarantee that those checks go out."

Truth: in the event that the debt limit is reached, the president - not congress, not some federal agency, but barack hussein obama - is the one who decides what gets paid and what doesn't. So obama can in fact guarantee that Social Security checks will go out as scheduled.

Lie # 2: "there may simply not be the money in the coffers" to cover those checks.

Truth: Government revenue for the period Aug. 3, when the debt limit will be reached, and Aug. 31, will be in the neighborhood of $172 billion. That's more than enough to pay interest on the national debt ($29B), thereby avoiding default, along with paying SS benefits ($49B), Medicare and Medicaid ($50B), funding the Department of Defense ($2.9B pay for the military and $31.7B for DoD contractors), with approximately $10B left over.

Obama has made no concrete proposals for resolving this debt limit mess. He is angling for a $2.4 trillion increase - just enough to get him and the dems through next year's elections. And he is approaching the problem in a highly partisan manner. As Karl Rove points out:
His tone also hasn't helped achieve a comprehensive agreement. The president's two most recent press conferences, in which he accused the GOP of foot-dragging, convinced Republicans that he was interested in scoring political points and attracting independents, not facilitating a deal. Convening high-profile White House meetings without offering substantive concrete proposals and then having his aides leak madly (and inaccurately) to the press afterward further squandered trust.

Washington is dysfunctional. And to paraphrase the president's senior adviser, David Plouffe, Mr. Obama owns the dysfunction. The president has not only governed as a liberal—he's governed as an incompetent liberal...
The second point worth underscoring is obama's total lack of presidential behavior. Throwing a temper tantrum and storming out of the room is not the way to resolve a crisis.
As the talks wound up yesterday, progress was clearly stymied. The two-hour meeting concluded for the day when President Obama abruptly ended the talks and left the room.

"Enough is enough," Obama reportedly said, before ending the meeting.
It certainly is. We taxpayers are fed up with the supposed 'adult in the room' acting instead like a little drama queen.

Obama went on to say "This may bring my presidency down, but I will not yield on this."

We can only hope...

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