Thursday, July 28, 2011

Hanoi Jane's Running Buddy

Jane Fonda was in the news a few days back when the TV shopping network QVC pulled the plug on her appearance to plug her new book.

As far as I'm concerned, she should have been plugged.

Be that as it may, an old running buddy of hers is in the news today, although peripherally.
John F. Kerry almost became president running on the basis of his alleged heroism in Vietnam. Thanks to the efforts of a group of truth-tellers, the Swiftboat Veterans for Truth, the serious holes in the fantasy narrative propounded by the Kerry campaign came to the attention of enough Americans that John Kerry was not the first faux-Irish President of the United States. 
One of Kerry's enablers in propounding his imaginary heroism was a man named Wade Sanders, who himself held a Silver Star, and who introduced Kerry to the Democratic Convention.
Turns out Kerry's old buddy lied about the details regarding his (Sanders) Silver Star. As a result, the Secretary of the Navy has stripped Sanders of the award.
Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus has revoked Sanders' Silver Star. A Navy spokesman cited "subsequently determined facts and evidence surrounding both the incident for which the award was made and the processing of the award itself."
Not only that, but Sanders is currently serving a term in prison for possessing child pornography.

So the man who almost was leader of the free world has dodged taxes on his yacht, hung out with a commie rat bimbo, and seen the point man on his naval service exposed as a liar and pervert.

Another democrat presidential contender, John Edwards, has admitted fathering a child with his mistress while his wife was dying of breast cancer. Edwards was also recently indicted on charges of accepting and misusing illegal campaign donations.

These guys almost -- almost -- make obama look good...


  1. C'mon now Tim, Kerry's circle of friends kind of pales in comparison to the Obama's Christmas card list; Rezko, Ayers, Wright, Blagojevich, Stern, Jones, etc.

    And as distasteful as it is, I would rather our president screw around and misuse campaign donations than screw me and steal/misuse my money.

  2. I said almost.

    I would agree with you about the president screwing around if it was similar to l'affair de Clinton. But to screw around on your wife while she's dying of cancer, and then to reject the child that resulted - in effect telling her that she was an embarrassment and an inconvenience to you - is IMO beyond reprehensible.
