Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tiny Weiner

You just can't make this stuff up.

Toy Company Introduces Anthony Weiner Action Figure
A toy company known for producing action figures of US political figures was Sunday advertising its latest addition -- the Anthony Weiner doll.

(The company) is offering two versions of the doll ... a standard doll and an adults-only "anatomically correct" version

Both figures are dressed in a T-shirt and gym shorts -- with the words "tweet this" printed on the shorts.

In a somewhat related development, as of today Weiner has yet to officially resign.

Hold it! Weiner not gone
Congress waited for Anthony Weiner to say he's leaving -- and now it's waiting for him to clean out his desk.

Although the randy rep. announced Thursday that he was quitting after seven terms, he still has to submit a resignation letter to House Speaker John Boehner that says which day will be his last serving his Brooklyn-Queens constituents.
Why the delay, you ask? It's simple - follow the money.
Every day Weiner puts off his official departure date enlarges his congressional pension.
Gee, what a surprise. Not only is the guy a liar, a pervert, and a liberal (redundant, I know) but he's a crook as well (again, redundant).

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