Tuesday, June 28, 2011

They Have A Right To Be As Miserable As The Rest Of Us

Last Friday the state of New York legalized same-sex marriages. I really don't have any strong feelings one way or the other. I tend to agree with Kinky Friedman: "I support gay marriage. I believe they have a right to be as miserable as the rest of us."

IMO the Church (Church = any form of organized religion) should concern itself with God's laws (God = the Supreme Being or Beings of your choice) and the government should concern itself with Man's laws (Man = generic homo sapien). Any Church should have the right to marry or not marry any combination of individuals as it deems fit. Any government should grant a civil union license to any combination of individuals - period. Male and female, male and male, female and female, male and female and female, whatever. As long as they are consenting adults, let whoever wants to enter into a legally binding civil union do so. If it makes you feel better to call that civil union a marriage, so be it. 

Like I said, I don't have a problem with gay marriage. But I do have a major problem with the amount of time, effort, and media attention this topic has drawn. With all the serious and complex problems threatening our society, the gay marriage issue is a distraction we can ill afford. Can we please put this nonsense behind us and get down to dealing with adult problems?

Like Mixed Martial Arts.
While New York's same-sex couples prepare for their big day, the MMA community will have to wait for the next legislative session for any hope that their sport will be legalized ... With 45 states, including New Jersey, having no problem with MMA, it's becoming increasingly difficult for New York to justify the ban.
That's right, sports fans. While the NY budget is going down the drain, while its schools are failing and its public services are being curtailed, while graft and corruption run rampant throughout all levels of government and the private sector, while drugs and illegal aliens are freely available, while organized crime flourishes, while gangs and violence spread unchecked, the NY legislature is busying itself with issues like same-sex marriage and Mixed Martial Arts.

The only ones benefiting from all this are the lawyers.
Wedding planners aren't the only ones riding the gay-marriage gravy train.

Lawyers, too, are expecting a bonanza -- from gay divorce.

Lost in the euphoria of the historic passage of New York's same-sex marriage bill is the inevitability of bitter break-ups.

There will be support claims to resolve, property to divide and custody issues to settle, as with any other divorce.
Brace yourself for the inevitable reality TV series: "Real Housewhatevers of New York City."

And in other New York news, Mrs. Brady got crabs from NY Mayor.
Florence Henderson, the actress who played perky mom Carol Brady in the beloved family sitcom, says she once got crabs after a one-night-stand with career politician John Lindsay, who was the mayor of New York City at the time.

Henderson, now 77, recounts in her upcoming memoir that she was cheating on her husband during the 1960s, and gave in to her better judgment when her married and unattractive friend put the moves on her over drinks at the Beverly Hills Hotel.

Henderson went home later that night, and awoke to a grisly surprise the next day as she saw "little black things" crawling over her bed and body.
Politicians and lawyers, covered with vermin. What a surprise...

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