Thursday, June 9, 2011

Run Tim Run

My new flavor-of-the-month republican presidential candidate is Tim Pawlenty.

He was on Rush yesterday, and I liked what I heard.

He also gave a major speech on the economy yesterday that was full of good stuff (go here for a recap).

He has expressed a willingness - nay, an eagerness - to go head to head with obama in debates. I like that attitude. Many politicians are afraid to go after the empty-suit-in-chief because they're afraid of being labeled racists. But Pawlenty made the point that the policies are the man, and visa versa. If the policies are failures, then the person behind them is likewise a failure.
President Obama has had three years to turn things around, and all we have to show for it is 3.7 trillion dollars more debt. Nearly 2 million fewer jobs. A Congress that hasn't passed a budget in more than 2 years. A health care takeover he pretends we can afford, and a fiscal crisis he pretends we can ignore.

We've tried President Obama's way, and it has only made the economy worse. Other countries around the world have tried President Obama's way and have met with ruinous results. We have a choice: just because we followed ancient Greece into democracy doesn't mean we're doomed to follow modern Greece into bankruptcy.
Read the speech. It's good stuff. 

So I'm now a Pawlenty supporter.

Until the next candidate comes along...

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