Friday, June 10, 2011

One Of These Days Someone Is Going To Get Hurt

Remember Yogi Bear vs. Ranger Smith? Well, now it's Texas Game Wardens vs. Mexican narco-terrorists.
Dozens of Texas state game wardens descended on Chimney Park (a state park in Hidalgo County on the Texas-Mexico border) along with Border Patrol agents and Texas Rangers. They saturated the area after a shootout between game wardens and drug smugglers.
Authorities in Austin have released only basic information, saying a suspicious vehicle was spotted on the U.S. side of the river around 6 Thursday morning. They then saw two cartel drug recovery boats loaded with people and what appeared to be marijuana.

As they approached, that's when gunfire broke out. Gunmen on the Mexican side opened fire on American boats. Game wardens aboard returned fire, injuring three of the smugglers. We're told Mexican authorities were made aware of the incident.

US Senator John Cornyn has also released a statement, saying, "Despite the repeated assurances of President Obama and Secretary Napolitano that our border is secure, [this] brazen attack on law enforcement provides further evidence for what Texans already know. Cartel-related violence along our border is real and escalating, and the Administration cannot continue to deny it when American lives - particularly those of our law enforcement - are directly in harm's way."
Since when is it the responsibility of state (state!) game wardens (game wardens!?!) to secure our national borders? How can anyone take obama's and napolitano's claims of border security seriously when incidents like this are commonplace?
It is not the first time shots have been exchanged along the Texas-Mexico border. Since January of last year, DPS has tracked at least a dozen incidents of shots being fired from Mexico and into Texas, with U.S. officers shooting back in some cases.
I'm telling you, the day is coming when there's going to be a serious loss of life on this side of the border. Sadly, that's what it's going to take to wake up the rest of the country to what's going on down here.

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