Monday, June 13, 2011

More FOD 2011.06.13

File this under "Obvious."

Obama: Debt fight hinders jobs growth
President Obama listened to dozens of jobs-spurring recommendations suggested by his jobs council Monday -- and then he made one himself on deficits and debt.

"We need to solve our medium and long-term debt problems, not just for abstract reasons, but because they're a concrete impediment to growth and jobs," Obama said at the second meeting of the President's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness.
"We need to solve our medium and long-term debt problems"...?

WE?!?!? He and his brother libs are the reason we have debt problems.
Obama also took a swipe at Congress, noting that most of the suggestions his jobs council offered were things that private industry or the executive office could do that wouldn't require congressional action.
Let me get this straight. There are things that the executive office - that is, the office of the President of the United States - "could do that wouldn't require congressional action."

So why the hell hasn't he done them?
For example, jobs council members suggested speeding up the permitting process for construction projects. But the president noted there's only so much power the executive office has on that sort of thing, since local communities get a say on what gets built in their neighborhoods.
Oh yeah. Like the EPA or the Interior Department or some other federal hack agency doesn't require companies to jump through multiple hoops. Ask any businessman whether he'd rather deal with the feds or with local government. I'll buy you a beer for every one that says "feds."
But Obama didn't offer any specifics...
Gee, there's a surprise. But what else can you expect from someone who's mantra is "I'll lead from behind?"

1 comment:

  1. Hell, I don't even want to jump through my local governments hoops. They are almost as bad as the feds here in Kerrville.
