Friday, June 3, 2011

The Leadership Vacuum

"To be able to lead others, a man must be willing to go forward alone." (Harry Truman)

Which brings us to last Wednesday's meeting between House republicans and obama.
Republican sources in the meeting said House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, the initiator of a budget proposal that includes the Medicare overhaul plan, called on Obama to show more leadership on the issue.
MORE leadership? I haven't seen any from the big O.
The sources said Ryan, R-Wisconsin, urged Obama to stop playing politics with Medicare reforms, saying leaders can either solve problems "or exacerbate them." Ryan also said Obama appeared more focused on winning the 2012 election than solving the nation's problems, according to the sources. After he spoke, his fellow Republicans in the room gave him a standing ovation...
Another GOP congressman took the opposite approach. Rather than call out obama, Jeff Landry decided to ignore him.
A freshman GOP lawmaker rejected an invitation to the White House on Wednesday, saying he didn't want to be “lectured” by President Obama.

“I have respectfully declined the president’s invitation to the White House today,” Rep. Jeff Landry (La.) said in a statement. “I don’t intend to spend my morning being lectured to by a president whose failed policies have put our children and grandchildren in a huge burden of debt.”

“Until the president produces a responsible deficit reduction plan, I’m not going to the White House to negotiate with myself. Our conference has put out for months where we would start the process,” Landry continued.
Two examples of people willing to "go forward alone" to solve a problem. On the other hand, the failure of the dems and their 'leader' to address this issue is beginning to have real consequences.
"Moody’s Investors Service said today that if there is no progress on increasing the statutory debt limit in coming weeks, it expects to place the US government’s rating under review for possible downgrade..."

Moody’s also chastises Washington for its shocking, shocking politicization of the debt issue:

"Although Moody’s fully expected political wrangling prior to an increase in the statutory debt limit, the degree of entrenchment into conflicting positions has exceeded expectations. The heightened polarization over the debt limit has increased the odds of a short-lived default. If this situation remains unchanged in coming weeks, Moody’s will place the rating under review."

Hey, at least something’s exceeding expectations these days!
Downgrading the U.S. debt rating would start us down the same path as economic giants Greece, Spain, and Portugal.
A downgrade would drive up the cost of borrowing and throw into question the global role of the U.S. Treasury bond.
Paul Ryan and the republicans have presented a plan that address many of the factors driving the budget deficit. Obama and the democraps have offered nothing resembling a serious plan, choosing instead to mischaracterize, distort, and outright lie about the Ryan plan. That is not the leadership this country needs and deserves.

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