Wednesday, June 1, 2011

FID 2011.06.01

I have a daughter. I'd like to think she'll be a virgin on her wedding night, but I'm realistic enough to not believe that's going to happen. I'm also tolerant enough to give her and her figurative sisters some free rein. After all, girls just want to have fun.

Too bad the islamists aren't as tolerant.

Female protesters in Egypt were forced to submit to ‘virginity checks’ after being arrested.

Open wide and say ‘ahhh’
Women arrested by the Egyptian police during protests in Cairo’s Tahrir Square were subjected to forced ‘virginity tests’, according to Amnesty International. ... Amnesty today said that the women had been beaten, given electric shocks and then subjected to strip searches while being photographed by male soldiers. They were then given ‘virginity checks’ and threatened with prostitution charges if medics ruled they had had sex, according to the charity.

Curious about what life under Sharia law would be like? Wonder no more…
So where are the outraged liberals? Thank God (oops, excuse me)  - thank goodness for the deity-neutral umbrella of Amnesty International.
Amnesty International issued a statement Tuesday demanding that Egyptian authorities bring to justice those responsible for ordering or conducting forced “virginity tests” on female protesters.
. . .  
An Amnesty International  researcher said accounts gathered from women who were subjected to the tests showed they were done to check whether their hymens were broken.
In the interests of gender equality, I think we should subject all the male reporters and government figures to the equivalent 'virginity tests.' After all, what's good for the goose is good for the gander.

And while we're at it, let's test those holier-than-thou imams.

Go do some deep-knee bends over a fire hydrant, Abdul...


  1. I wonder if Anthony Wiener was over there helping them?

  2. To be frank, he would probably relish the opportunity to catch-up with his muslim buddies.
