Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Candidate For The Darwin Awards

I've done my fair share of stupid things before, during, and after tubing down the Guadalupe River in Central Texas.

Sunburns, bumps and bruises, scrapes, even stitches, all collected while going over rapids, swinging from trees into the river, jumping off bridges and cliffs, and the ever-popular falling down while trying to stand. Alcohol was, as the police reports say, a contributing factor in these events.

But I never did anything like this.

Man accidentally shoots self after day on river
After floating down the Guadalupe River on Tuesday, a man accidentally shot himself in the abdomen while trying to change the tire of his pickup, according to authorities.

Earlier, the victim and three friends had floated down the river, according to a New Braunfels Police Department press release.

The release did not state whether the group had been drinking.
No need to state the obvious.
When they returned to the parking lot, the men observed a large bulge in the side wall of the front left tire of the victim's pickup.

The victim decided to change the tire, and when he reached under the back seat to retrieve the jack, he “somehow accidentally depressed the trigger to his loaded 30-30 rifle,” the release stated.
I've been puzzling over this and I can't understand how on earth a person could accidentally depress the trigger of a rifle while standing in front of it.

Maybe it takes a couple of six-packs to figure it out...

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