Wednesday, May 11, 2011

They're Not All Bad

If there were more Muslims willing to stand up and speak out like this one, perhaps there wouldn't be so much animosity towards them.

When speaking about the death of Osama bin Laden, Imam Hassan al-Qazwini of the Islamic Center of America in the Detroit suburb of Dearborn, the leader of one of the nation's largest mosques, had this to say about the now-fish food terrorist:
"There is no doubt that this man was a thug, he was a murderer," Imam Hassan al-Qazwini told worshippers at the Islamic Center of America in the Detroit suburb of Dearborn. "His hands were stained by the blood of thousands of innocent people — Muslims and non-Muslims alike."

Qazwini, who delivered his sermon in a large, circular hall filled to capacity, said the Quran is clear that someone who kills one innocent person "is doomed to hell forever." And the imam was particularly incensed that bin Laden "committed atrocities against innocent people ... while he was calling 'Allahu akbar,'" or "God is great."

"He's responsible for tarnishing the image of Islam in this country. He's responsible for tarnishing the image of Muslims," he said. "We're happy to see the man who caused so much pain for Muslims in this country is gone ... finally."
Good for al-Qazwini. Now where are the rest of his 'moderate' brethren...?

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