Monday, May 30, 2011

Is Anyone Really Surprised?

H/T to Peter for the link:
The new chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee was criticizing Republicans who opposed President Obama's bailout of the American automakers union, oh, no, make that American automakers.

"If it were up to the candidates for president on the Republican side," said Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida, "we would be driving foreign cars. They would have let the auto industry in America go down the tubes."

So Michael O'Brien of The Hill newspaper went and checked what kind of automobile loyal-American-car-supporter Debbie Wasserman Schultz owns.

Yup, you guessed it -- Japanese.
"To make matters even worse, Ms. Schultz drives a 2010 Nissan Infiniti FX35 - a model built exclusively in Japan, not in Nissan's North American plants."

Jeez, there is so much irony dripping from this story I don't know where to begin. Maybe with the fact that foreign cars are superior to the union-made crap oozing out of Detroit, despite billions of our tax dollars being wasted by the democraps to buy union votes prop up GM and Chrysler.

Or maybe with the blatant hypocrisy of Wasserman-Schultz, coupled with the utter gall of the DNC's response:
"They can try to distract from the issue if they want," said DNC spokesman Hari Sevugan. "But if Republican opposition researchers are snooping around garages, they should know that if Republicans — who said that we should let the U.S. auto industry go bankrupt — had their way, they wouldn’t find a single American made car anywhere."
Last time I looked, nobody wanted to eliminate American made cars. We just want domestic auto makers to stand -- or fall -- on their own merits, without funneling heaps of taxpayer $$$ to companies hamstrung by corrupt and greedy unions. Ford, for example, is doing just fine by itself.

I guess by now we should be used to the 'do as I say, not as I do' attitude that permeates politics. But to see it so unabashedly displayed is still somewhat shocking.

Did she really think no one would check see what kind of car she drove? Or did she just not think at all?

Or care...?

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