Sunday, May 29, 2011

Compare And Contrast

One of the staples of my teaching techniques is the time-honored 'compare and contrast' assignment, where I give my students two options and challenge them to compare and contrast them.

Below are two images. One is of Sarah Palin riding in today's Rolling Thunder Memorial Day Parade.

The other is of our fearless leader.

Your assignment, dear reader, is to compare and contrast them. (Images from here. Rolling Thunder story here.)

Any questions...?


  1. Um, is the president riding a girl's bike? Looks like he needs to pee. All that is missing is the bell, white wicker basket and a little orange flag on the back.

    Palin is clearly enjoying the rumble and vibration only a Harley can provide.

  2. "Palin is clearly enjoying the rumble and vibration only a Harley can provide."

