Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Told Ya So

Do yourself a favor and read this story from the Washington Times. Then do the rest of the country a favor and contact your congresscritter and senators and demand that they get serious about securing our southern border and protecting the citizens that live along it.

This is serious shit, folks. I see it every day. When I'm down here I carry pepper spray, a tactical knife, and a firearm everywhere I go, and there are times when I still don't feel safe (especially when I go to work, since it's illegal for me to carry a weapon on campus, or even leave it in the car - but that's a subject for another post). 

Brutal Mexican drug gang crosses into U.S.
The signature crimes of the most violent drug cartel in Mexico are its beheading and dismemberment of rival gang members, military personnel, law enforcement officers and public officials, and the random kidnappings and killings of civilians who get caught in its butchery and bloodletting.

But this disparate band of criminals known as Los Zetas is no longer just a concern in Mexico. It has expanded its deadly operations across the southwestern border, establishing footholds and alliances in states from New York to California.

Known for mounting the severed heads of their rivals on poles or hanging their dismembered bodies from bridges in cities throughout Mexico, the Zetas have easily become the most feared criminal gang in Mexico...

“The Zetas are determined to gain the reputation of being the most sadistic, cruel and beastly organization that ever existed,” said George W. Grayson, professor of government at the College of William & Mary and an expert on Mexican drug gangs.

“They won’t just cut off your ear, they’ll cut off your head and think nothing of it.”

Zapata County Sheriff Sigifredo Gonzalez Jr., whose Texas county lies on the Rio Grande 50 miles southeast of the Zetas’ stronghold of Nuevo Laredo, said U.S. authorities on the border are outgunned and outmanned by drug smugglers armed with automatic weapons, grenades and state-of-the-art communications and tracking systems.

“Their violence has emboldened them and they are expanding to cities all across the United States,” he said. “Our own country needs to stop them at the border. We know they’re coming, we just don’t want to admit it. Instead, we continue to say the border is more secure than ever, when we all know that is absolutely not true.”

Sheriff Gonzalez said Middle Eastern terrorists brought the practice of beheading their enemies to Central America and later Mexico.
Got that? The Mexican drug cartels are getting advice from Islamo-terrorists. It's not limited to beheadings. They're also using car bombs and IEDs. Can you imagine how bad it will get if the narcoterrorists ever join forces with those camel-fucking ragheads?
An internal Department of Homeland Security document describes the car bomb used in Ciudad Juarez as the latest tactic that the armed wing of the Juarez cartel, La Linea, has lifted from Islamic jihadis.
The Ciudad Juarez car bomb was particularly cruel, and effective, because the cartel used a wounded man as bait to lure first responders to the scene before detonating the device, apparently via cell phone. The blast killed the wounded man, a police officer, a doctor and a bystander.
Like fire ants and killer bees, the cartels are spreading northward, getting worse, and we don't seem to be able to stop them.
Many of the gang’s targets have been Mexican military and police personnel, but in recent years, U.S. law enforcement authorities also have come under attack. As early as 2008, the FBI warned U.S. authorities that the Zetas were attempting to gain control of drug trafficking routes into America and had ordered its members to use violence against U.S. law enforcement officers to protect their operations.

Pinal County, Ariz., Sheriff Paul Babeu ... said Mexican drug gangs “literally do control parts of Arizona,” noting that gang members are armed with radios, optics and night-vision goggles “as good as anything law enforcement has.

This is going on here in Arizona — 30 miles from the fifth-largest city in the United States,” he said.
Read that last statement again. Think about it. Let it sink in. The federal government is literally ceding large swatches of our territory to foreign terrorists without even firing a shot. That's far beyond criminal neglect. It borders on treason.

At least some in the federal government are starting to wake up, even if it is too little, too late.
The U.S. Homeland Security Department has said that Mexican drug cartels, including the Zetas, have infiltrated 276 U.S. cities and represent the nation’s most serious organized-crime threat.

The National Drug Intelligence Center said the influence of Mexican drug gangs is “still expanding,” adding that they were more deeply entrenched than any other drug trafficking organization and operate coast to coast.

While the FBI has called the violence associated with drug trafficking along the border a daily fact of life, the boldness of the attacks and the savagery of the Zetas has shocked many veteran law enforcement authorities. Kevin L. Perkins, assistant director of the FBI’s Criminal Investigative Division, told a Senate committee last year the level and severity of violence was “unprecedented.”
Isn't there something terribly wrong when senseless, brutal, vicious attacks, killings, beheadings, and dismemberments are considered by our premier national law enforcement organization to be "a daily fact of life?" If that doesn't frighten and appall you then I give up.
Rep. Michael McCaul, Texas Republican, has introduced legislation seeking to place six Mexican cartels, including the Zetas, on the Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) list — a designation that would limit their financial, property and travel interests, and impose harsher punishment on those who provide material support.
That sounds like a promising approach. If you want to get their attention, hit 'em in the pocketbook.

Another option, of course, is just to legalize the damn stuff...

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