Thursday, April 14, 2011

Mary Poppins Would Be Proud

There's been a spate of nanny-state related stories lately (schools banning kids from bringing their own lunches, schools banning chocolate milk, Boston banning sodas on city property ... the list goes on).

Well, our friends across the pond  - home to the world's best known nanny, Mary Poppins - have done us one better. A town in England has banned fire extinguishers because they are a safety hazard.
Fire extinguishers could be removed from communal areas in flats (apartments) throughout the country because they are a safety hazard...

The life-saving devices encourage untrained people to fight a fire rather than leave the building, risk assessors in Bournemouth decided.
Jesus H. Christ on a bicycle. Is there no limit to the ridiculous steps that people will take in making decisions for others because "I/we/the government knows best?"

What part of "leave me and my family the fuck alone" don't these meddlesome nitwits understand?

I am now officially in the market for my own private island - as soon as I win the lottery...

1 comment:

  1. Wow.

    I looked at that private island site. Need to narrow it down to islands with little to no governmental oversight (and no destructive weather phenomena). That leaves out all of the ones in American territory.

    We have friends that live on a boat, currently just floating around the Caribbean. Not really my thing, but it is looking more and more attractive.
