Friday, April 29, 2011

Happily Ever After

The video below is in honor of today's royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton. But first, we have to set the stage.

Back in the day, before digital cameras, we all used film cameras. This required that the film be processed or developed. There were a number of stores that offered this service, but if you lived deep in the woods, like Snow White, your best option was to mail the film off to a firm that would develop it and mail the pictures back to you.

In the following video, Snow White has sent off her film and is now hanging out with the dwarfs waiting for the pictures to show up in her mail box. That's why she's singing "Someday my prints will come."


I wasn't that interested in the royal wedding. I'm glad it came off so well, I'm happy for them, and I do hope they live happily ever after. But I was happily ignorant of the details (man, that's a lot of 'happys') until I ran across this story.
Best man Prince Harry will turn Buckingham Palace into a nightclub Friday to keep the post-nuptial celebration continuing until sunrise.
For those who may find the day's formality a bit too stuffy, this bash offers an opportunity for guests to loosen their ties and let their hair down. He plans to convert three of the Palace's state rooms into the post-reception reception for 300 of Will and Kate's closest mates. The exclusive bash, kicking off at 7 p.m. on Friday, will see a DJ keeping the beats pumping until dawn as guests celebrate the newlyweds. The revelers will sip on "treasure chest" libations filled with rum and champagne cocktails.
For "party survivors" still standing at 6 a.m. the next morning, Harry will graciously offer a second royal wedding breakfast, this one significantly different than the one provided by the Queen a day earlier. Instead of a lavish arrangement of canapes and dainty pastries, Prince William has asked caterers to prepare the more homely-sounding "bacon butties" - buttery bacon sandwiches, along with "fry-ups" (the classic full English breakfast which can consist of eggs, bacon, sausages, roasted tomatoes, baked beans, and fried bread). Smart thinking, Harry. Sounds like the perfect hangover cure.
Though it may well be the party of the lifetime, this is hardly the prim-and-proper event expected of the British Monarchy. Perhaps that's why Queen Elizabeth plans to turn a blind eye to her grandson's antics and disappear to Windsor Castle for the night. It's certain to be a night to remember or, for the wilder guests, to try to remember.
Wish I was there...


  1. "fry-ups" (the classic full English breakfast which can consist of eggs, bacon, sausages, roasted tomatoes, baked beans, and fried bread)."

    You forgot "black pudding!"

    Brit "fry-ups" were the reason God invented Lipitor!

  2. He had me at "buttery bacon sandwiches".
