Monday, April 25, 2011

FOD 2011.04.24

Stop me if you've heard this before - another member of obama's cabinet is a tax cheat.

This time it's none other than Attorney General Eric Holder. I guess he was too busy protecting us against drug traffickers and illegal aliens from crossing the border ... no, wait, maybe it was protecting voters from intimidation ... no, wait, maybe it was prosecuting terrorists ... no, wait, maybe it was, well, you get the idea.
US Attorney General Eric Holder and his brother failed to pay the property taxes on their childhood home in Queens, which they inherited last August after their mother died, The Post has learned.

And because their ailing mom, Miriam, was already behind on two quarterly tax bills when she succumbed to illness on Aug. 13, the charges went unpaid for more than a year -- growing to $4,146.

It wasn't until The Post confronted Holder last week about the delinquency that he and younger brother William Holder finally paid up Friday, including $73.14 in interest.
Just another example of obama's hypocrisy: do as I say, not as I do.
The Obama Administration’s call for greater taxes and “shared sacrifice” is hollow and morally bankrupt. President Obama wants to convince the nation that many Americans, most of them small business owners, must pay more tax as “their fair share” of huge, annual deficits. What Mr. Obama never mentions is that he has surrounded himself with key advisors and selected key members of his Administration that are tax cheats. Never before has an Administration been so wholly composed of senior officials that push so stridently for increasing taxes on Americans, while they avoid any personal responsibility for paying their own personal taxes. Seemingly, if you are a member of the Obama Administration, your “fair share” of the national tax burden is zero. Instead, taxes are an instrument of “shared sacrifice” to be loaded onto someone else.

First some numbers. Some 41 different Senior Obama Administration Officials have been identified as tax cheats, owing over $840 million in back taxes. Many of Obama’s key officials that are responsible for the economy and have been given wide powers in tax policy are themselves, tax cheats and tax avoiders. The most notable of these is Timmy Geithner, Secretary of the Treasury and nominal head of the IRS...


  1. Setting aside the tax cheat issue for a moment - WTF kind of a guy is Holder that he wasn't helping his elderly 'ailing' mom with her affairs and finances BEFORE she died?

  2. He's a typical obama liberal. He was waiting for the government to take care of her - using someone else's $$$.
