Wednesday, April 6, 2011

FID 2011.04.06

Peace-loving Muslims Object to Koran-burning

No, wait ... that's not quite right.

Beserk Muslims Run Amuck, Massacre More Than 20

Yeah, that's better.
... Afghan rioters angered by reports of the sacrilege sacked the United Nations compound in the city of Mazar-e-Sharif, killing seven foreigners, and went on a lethal rampage in the southern city of Kandahar, waving Taliban flags.

In fresh Kandahar protests on Sunday, two Afghans, including a child, were killed and 40 were wounded, according to provincial officials.
Granted, the whack job in Florida who burned the damn thing is an idiot, but the muslim reaction is WAY out of proportion to the stimulus. Since when does burning a book give a mob license to riot, destroy, and kill innocent people, including women, children, and UN workers there to help the local savages attain some vestige of civilization?

And then we have an idiot senator (redundant, I know) who thinks we should restrict free speech to avoid offending muslims.
South Carolina U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham signaled support for restricting the First Amendment Sunday, just days after a pastor burned a Quran.
Let me get this straight. They can burn the Bible and U.S. flags, stone and lash women, murder children, but we can't do anything that might offend them? At what point do we quit bending over backwards to placate these narrow-minded religious bigots and just say "enough is enough?"

I'd say right about now...

1 comment:

  1. Check out Ann Barnhardt on the subject.

    She makes sense to me!
