Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Everything You Need To Know About Obama's Budget Speech

Even his VP couldn't stay wake as obama babbled on in what was billed as a major policy speech aimed at reducing the deficit, but instead was a mishmash of recycled campaign slogans, ideological catchphrases, misleading statements, and outright lies.

"Hey, look, Biden is sleeping while the president drones on about an almost incomprehensible amount of money."

(ABC News video below - we'll see how long it takes them to pull it once it hits the blogosphere.)

Yep, Biden sure looks like he was asleep. Here's the ABC news video, screenshot above, of the Vice President nodding off for a solid 30 seconds (when the clip ends). As the network noted, the woman behind him looks a little bit drowsy also:

Biden would not be the first member of the Obama Administration to nod off while their boss talked. In 2009, his then chief economics advisor was snapped by a Getty Images photographer apparently napping during a meeting about the economic crisis.

Of course, if the camera was on me during the speech you would have seen images of me puking...


  1. Huckabee commented that Biden wasn't sleeping, he was praying that Americans wouldn't figure out how disingenuous they are.

  2. LOL. Huckabee reminds me of my first ex-wife. Just when you think you've got him/her drowned in the swamp of your past, they come bubbling up to the surface and demand your attention once again.

    The difference is that Huckabee's resurfacing is positive...
