Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Through The Looking Glass

This time it was the intruder who called 911.
A man who broke into a house in Portland, Oregon, called police -- afraid the homeowner may have a gun.
Didn't he think of that possibility before he broke into the house? 
The suspect, Timothy James Chapek, was in the bathroom taking a shower when the homeowner returned to the house Monday night, Portland police said in a statement.
I admire his passion for cleanliness, but I do think he might have satisfied it a more socially acceptable way.
Accompanied by two German shepherds, the homeowner asked Chapek what he was doing in the house.

Chapek locked himself in the bathroom and made an emergency call, police said. He said he had broken into the house, the owner had come home, and that he was concerned the owner might have a gun.
I would love to see a video of the 911 dispatcher receiving that call.
The homeowner also called the police to report that he had found a man in the house.

Police ... took Chapek, 24, into custody "without incident," they said. He was booked for criminal trespass.

They did not say if the homeowner did in fact have a gun.
What a bizarre story. I'd love to know what was going through the intruder's mind when he decided to break into someone's house and take a shower.

Probably drugs...

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