Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sometimes Life Sucks

Two good friends - two sucky situations...

#1 - From the husband of a couple we're friends with. The wife fell ill this weekend, went to the ER, and was diagnosed with a (thankfully) benign, but nonetheless threatening, brain tumor.
Just got back to the room after a 4 hour arteraogram and embolisation procedures. They first inject the arteries with dye so they can see which one gives nourishment to the tumor. They have blocked about 70% which will help the surgeons job.

Bad news tumor is not happy about not being feed and causing headaches. Good news there is morphine.

Surgery tomorrow. 
# 2 - From the friend of a good friend and one of my early mentors. Bob was diagnosed several years ago with brain cancer. In spite of aggressive chemo and radiation treatment it's since metastasized to his lungs. The prognosis is grim.
Guys….. talked to Bob this morning…. Actually, he called me.  He is in the hospice.  Peter (his son) said it is for a few days, Bob thinks this is it…. Peter said it’s the morphine giving him anxiety.  I don’t know.  He said was going to try and call some folks while he had some time.  He is watching the NCAA and we talked about that.

I foolishly said he needed to stop this “I need oxygen” BS and come play golf, and yes, we will give him 18 strokes a round.  I said we all knew that is what he has been holding out for. He started sobbing and said “we had some great times out there”.  Stupid me!  So, we went back to basketball……

So, here is it.  Peter said he’s there for medicine adjustment, Bob said he is there for a more permanent change.  I’m leaving now to go to the hospice……. I’ll be touch….. 
So it's 'thoughts and prayers' time for two good people and their friends and families. If you have a little spare time please add yours. Every little bit helps...

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