Saturday, March 12, 2011

This Is Getting Ridiculous

Good thing there's no international or domestic crises, or even pressing matters, to occupy the president's time.
For the second week in a row, the most powerful man in the world stepped away from the White House to hit the golf course.

Even as his administration and the U.S. military help Japan recover from a devastating earthquake, and as the world worries about Fukushima's nuclear reactor, the president could not resist taking advantage of the 48-degree weather in the Washington, D.C., area.
Couple the earthquake with ongoing turmoil in the Mideast, civic unrest and widespread death threats in the U.S. midwest, lack of a national budget, spiraling deficit spending, skyrocketing gas prices ... well, you get the idea.

And what does our purported leader do?

Go golfing.

When the going gets tough, the tough ... go golfing?

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