Monday, February 28, 2011

Welcome To My World

Less than five miles from my home away from home...

Beheadings Shock Nuevo Laredo (transcript of tonight's TV news)
"Our top story comes out of Nuevo Laredo--that's where a gruesome act intended to send a message to opposing cartels shocked people throughout the city. The decapitation of four men put on display for all to see. We warn you what you are about to view is graphic."

"The bodies of four decapitated men, nude, with their heads left on one of Nuevo Laredo's memorialas dedicated to Mexico's Independence. This is all we can show of the video taken on the streets of Jesus Carranza and Paseo Colon, a busy area area in the Sister City. We can tell you that, according to Mexican reports, the men had a finger placed in their mouths and they were laid on top of a narcomanta, a banner with a message sent to opposing cartel members. We're told members of the state police are investigating the incident, along with the members of the Mexican Military."
I wander around the streets of Laredo carrying a pistol and fooling myself into thinking I'm safe. But this was the lead story on tonight's news. I feel confident about taking care of myself in 'normal' circumstances, but this crap ain't normal.

Street crime or materialistic aggression is one thing. Ditto for one or two drug-addled thugs, or even relatively level-headed muggers. Like I said, I'm comfortable with taking my chances in those circumstances. However, I'm not as confident when pitted against multiple carloads of cartel thugs. This is why I am so adamant about the federal government securing our borders.

Especially the one less than five miles from here...

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