Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Told You So

Last summer I posted about terrorists taking advantage of our ineffective porous practically non-existent security along the U.S.-Mexico border. Here's another example. (Note: For some reason Blogger has a problem with the embedded link in the "terrorists taking advantage" text. If you're just dying to read it here's the URL for your cut-n-paste pleasure - http://bergheimfollies.blogspot.com/2010/07/connect-dots.html)

Controversial Muslim cleric caught being smuggled into U.S. over Mexico border
U.S. border guards got a surprise when they searched a Mexican BMW and found a hardline Muslim cleric - banned from France and Canada - curled up in the boot. (Note: This story is from an English paper, so they use 'boot' instead of 'trunk.')

Said Jaziri ... was being smuggled into California when he was arrested, along with his driver Kenneth Robert Lawler.

Jaziri had allegedly paid a Tijuana-based smuggling cartel $5,000 to take him across the border near Tecate, saying he wanted to be taken to a 'safe place anywhere in the U.S.'

According to the court documents, a Mexican guide led Jaziri and a Mexican immigrant over the border fence near Tecate.

They then trekked across the rugged terrain under cover of darkness to a spot popular for drivers who pick up immigrants for smuggling runs into San Diego.
I don't get it. If the "spot popular for drivers who pick up immigrants" is that well known, why isn't kept under observation or patrolled? Or maybe even mined?

Which leads to the bigger question of why don't we make a serious effort to secure our borders and protect our country?

Which opens a great big can of worms. I'm tired of beating my head against this particular wall (see previous posts in the Border Issues category) so I'll pass on making any further comments for now, except for the following.
"Counterterrorism experts believe that radical Muslims and Islamic terrorists routinely sneak into the U.S. across the Southwest border since many of them are indistinguishable from Mexican illegal aliens."

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