Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sunday Funnies 2011.02.06

It's Super Bowl Sunday. Need I say more...

God knows I hate to provide Cowboy haters with any more ammunition (especially Harper), but one can't deny facts...
One morning in elementary school the students were going to a geography class. The teacher wanted to show the students where cities and states are.

The teacher asks the class, "Does anyone know where Pittsburgh is?"

Frank raises up his hand and says, "Yeah, Pennsylvania."

The teacher replies, 'Very good, Frank. Now can anyone tell me where Green Bay is?"

Rachel raises her hand and says, "That's in Wisconsin."

The teacher replies, "Very good, Rachel."

The teacher asks one more question: "Where's Dallas?"

Ross raises his hand and says, "Oh, oh, pick me, I know!"

The teacher says, "OK, Ross where is Dallas?"

"Last place."

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the ammo, since I am surrounded by Cowboy's fans. Especially Mr H.
