Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Quick Hit

I'm sure the blogosphere will be flooded with comments about this in the days to come, but here's the first thing that jumped out at me.

Senate Republicans Lose Vote on Health Care
Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said the Republican repeal movement ... "would take away seniors' rights to a free wellness check."
I guess that particular right was somehow left out of my copy of the Constitution...


  1. WTF is a wellness check and why should it be free for seniors? I could spend all day listing the free services that are regularly provided by various entities; blood pressure, cholesterol, flu shot, vision, etc.

    I am a bit sick of the blatant discriminatory statements made to try and garner the support of a specific demographic. Are seniors more deserving of a free wellness check than an infant? What about my family? We pay $9.81 a day for our health insurance and $30 per person, per visit for a wellness check. Why is our health valued any less than a 'senior'?

  2. Senior vote more than any other demographic. Hence the pandering.

    Reid also said repealing obamacare would "kick kids off their parents' health care." Next he'll be claiming that repeal would take away the 'rights' of minorities, gays, union members - oh, wait - they get waivers.

    The lying, pandering, and hypocrisy is nauseating...
