Tuesday, January 18, 2011


From Moonbattery:
The annual MLK observance at the state house in Columbia SC had an interesting twist this year. The event is held on the north side steps of the statehouse. Prominent at that location is a large bronze statue of George Washington. This year, the NAACP constructed a "box" to conceal the Father of His Country from view so that participants would not be offended by his presence.
Revisionist history ... denial of reality ... political correctness run amok ...? Words literally fail me in the face of this nonsense.
I wonder what Dr. King would say...

UPDATE:  "The NAACP has morphed into a left wing political action committee committed to electing liberal democrats who support their eternal victim, America sucks; eternal entitlement agenda."

1 comment:

  1. Washington was born into a world where slavery was the norm, yet struggled with the issue all of his life, emancipating his slaves in his will. WTF kind of an issue does the NAACP have with him?

    As much as I hate our litigious society, one would think that a legal case could be made regarding the screening of a public work of art. I assume that tax dollars support the care and maintenance of the statue. Why should any one group be allowed to deny the general public of their right to view public art? Where's the ACLU?
