Wednesday, January 26, 2011

This Is The Pits

What an asshole - a totally unadulterated asshole.

Dennis Kucinich (democrap, of course, from Ohio) is suing one of Congress' cafeterias for providing "dangerous" sandwiches.
In 2008, the Ohio Democrat purchased a sandwich wrap filled with olives at the cafeteria inside the Longworth Office Building. After biting into the wrap, he cracked a tooth, according to the legal complaint

... the sandwich wrap (allegedly) was "unwholesome and unfit for human consumption, in that it was represented to contain pitted olives, yet unknown to plaintiff contained an unpitted olive or olives which plaintiff did not reasonably expect to be present in the food prepared for him, and could not visually detect prior to consumption."

As a result, Kucinich received "serious and permanent dental and oral injuries requiring multiple surgical and dental procedures, and has sustained other damages as well, including significant pain, suffering and loss of enjoyment."

No word yet on what sort of enjoyment was lost.
The asshole chipped a tooth (if he even did that much damage) and, like a true democrap, immediately went crying to his lawyer. "It's not my fault. Let's sue someone."

Granted, the cafeteria should step up and pay his dentist bill. But to claim "serious and permanent" injuries, along with "loss of enjoyment," is ludicrous.

Of course, the dems are in bed with trial lawyers, so this should come as no surprise. It is, however, a perfect example of why republicans want to see tort reform included in healthcare reform, and why the dems are opposed to it.

UPDATE: As JammieWearingFool points out, Kucinich has that gold-plated health and dental coverage that congresscritters get, but that is denied to the rest of us. So the asshole doesn't even have any out of pocket expenses. Yet he still files suit.

Asshole, thy name is Kucinich...

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