Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sunday Funnies

The Spring 2011 semester starts this week. The cartoon below illustrates my feelings.

A very attractive student came into my office near the end of last semester. She was failing the class and wanted to know if she could improve her grade.

She glanced down the hall, closed my office door, knelt on the floor, and pleadingly said, "I would do anything to pass this course."

She leaned closer, flipped back her hair, licked her lips, and continued. "I mean..." she whispered, "... I would do... anything."

I returned her gaze. "Anything?"


I lowered my voice and whispered seductively, "Would you... study?"


  1. Funny! Reminds me of a similar joke involving a hot young stud approaching an older woman at a bar and offering to do anything to please her, to which she answers, 'Clean my house.'

  2. My wife has a plaque in the kitchen that reads "My secret fantasy is to have two men at once - one cooking, and the other cleaning."

  3. CenTexTim,

    I bought the same plaque for one of my wife's work-mates (Very attractive, 30-something, unmarried female). But she's as independent as hell.

    I snuck into her office one day while she was at lunch and hung it on her wall. Then I tiptoed out of the building.

    Later, according to my wife, every dude that worked in the place was reported for "sexual harassment".


  4. Funny story. But did she ever stop to think that maybe a woman had left it there?
