Sunday, January 23, 2011

Some People Should Not Be Parents - Or Judges

A mother who admitted teaching her 2-year-old daughter to smoke pot avoided a prison term and instead was placed on probation.
Hamilton County (Ohio) Common Pleas Court Judge Ethna Cooper placed Jessica Gamble, 21, of Springfield Township, on two years probation with plans to reunite her with the child.

“The image I can’t get out of my mind,” the judge told Gamble on Friday, “is watching a video of your baby with a blunt, smoking marijuana.”

I just made a mistake,” Gamble responded, upsetting the judge.

“Just made a mistake’ does not apply to this. You hurt your child, you exploited your child, you drugged your child,” the judge said.
If the judge really felt that way, why not send that miserable excuse of a mother to prison? Gamble was indicted on three felonies – corrupting another with drugs, child endangering and tampering with evidence – that carry a maximum prison sentence of 11½ years.

Oh, wait - here's why. "...the Hamilton County Department of Jobs and Family Services plans to put the child back with her mother."

Say WHAT???

After reading further, it turns out that my worries are misguided, and all will be well.
The judge ordered her to spend two more months in the Justice Center where she must complete a program for drug treatment, job readiness and parenting skills.

After that, Gamble must spend three months in an in-patient drug rehabilitation facility followed by outpatient drug treatment.
“I would like to become not just more of a mother but a better person,” Gamble told the judge.
Whew, that's a relief. I'm sure the mother will be fully rehabilitated, and the child will grow up in a wholesome, nurturing environment [/sarcasm].
At one point on the 1 minute, 37 second video shot in August, a voice believed to be Gamble’s tells the girl “Don’t blow on” the joint.

After the child takes a few more puffs, the same voice asks, “What is that?” and then a hand grabs the child’s hand that is holding the joint. The person shooting the video – Gamble, the indictment alleges – takes the joint from the child’s fist and holds it up so it is in the middle of the image frame. Then she laughs.
It is unbelievable to watch on video a mother teaching her 2-year-old child how to smoke a joint," Prosecutor Joseph Deters said. "There are just some people who should never have children.”

Amen to that.

Here's a picture of the future Mother of the Year candidate.

No word on the father's reaction. In fact, no mention of the father in any of the news stories about this loser masquerading as a parent.

What a surprise...

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