Tuesday, January 4, 2011

PC Run Amok

We interrupt our vacation posting to express our utter indignation at the idiots running the St. Peter's Head Start Program in Minnesota (courtesy of BMWS). 

Father Christmas banned at children’s centre after Muslim family complained (original source here). 
Father Christmas has been banned from visiting a children’s nursery after a Muslim family complained.
For the last four years, Dennis Jackson has donned a beard and red-and-white costume to hand out presents at the St Peter’s Head Start Programme in Minnesota.
But this year he was told he wasn’t welcome after objections from a Somali family.
‘It kind of burnt me up,’ Mr Jackson said, after being banned by officials at the Head Start Programme.
They had told him ‘it was against some people’s wishes’ for him to make the half-hour appearances for two classes, for about three dozen children all aged three and four.
According to the regional coordinator for the Minnesota Valley Action Council, Chris Marben, at least one Muslim family complained of his visit.
When asked about banishing Father Christmas, Mrs Marben said: ‘We have Somali families in the programme. We’re respecting the wishes of families in the program.’
She added: ‘Part of our challenge in Head Start is providing an environment where young children from many different cultures can all feel comfortable.’
Mrs Marden didn’t say how many objections were made, but said that program parents are surveyed annually to gauge their feelings toward holiday observances in classes.
She indicated that more than one objection would be sufficient to waive an observance.
Mr Jackson said he has played Father Christmas with children from other cultures before and they were fully comfortable with him - it’s just, in his opinion, some parents who are being unreasonable.
‘They’re not respecting the majority,’ he said. ‘My feeling is [objecting parents] can take their kids out of class for half an hour and let the other kids enjoy it. They should sacrifice, not rule.’
First of all, note that the story refers to Father Christmas, not Santa Claus. Some PC asshole already got in there ahead of the somalis.

Second, note that this idiocy takes place in Minnesota, a state that is so whacked out it elected a former professional wrestler as governor (Jesse "the body" Ventura)

and allowed a broken-down comedian to steal the most recent senatorial election. 

Finally, ponder this. Most people with any modicum of class will adapt to their surroundings and hosts, rather than demand that their new home jump through hoops to accommodate them. In this case, that means the newcomers should gracefully bow out and allow the existing customs to take precedence, rather than demand that the established citizenry make such absurd contortions to accommodate them.

Another way of putting it is "Screw the God-Damn muslims. If they don't like how we do things here, they can crawl back to their dung heap of a country and pray to allah or whatever other raghead heathen they worship to deliver them to somewhere better than the good old U.S. of A."

And while they're waiting for that miracle to happen they can kiss my rosy red All-American Ass.

I'm not normally this much of a redneck, but jeez this story just super-rubbed me the wrong way. Like the Father Christmas guy said, if you don't agree with the premise of a big jolly guy coming down your chimney that's fine, but don't spoil it for the majority of people who do. Just take your little future terrorists out of the room for less time than it takes to take off your burka and pleasure a camel.

I'm so disgusted I'll have to put my obama birth certificate search on hold for a day or so...

1 comment:

  1. Many other religions/belief systems have basic beliefs that conflict with what a majority of people think is okay. Jehovah's Witnesses don't celebrate birthdays, but they aren't mounting a campaign to stop little Johnny from bringing cupcakes to school to celebrate. All one has to do is whisper 'muslim' and the kowtowing begins. The double standard is stunning.

    One would think non-Christians would cheer the commercialization of Christmas, as it replaces the religious meaning with that of material rewards.
