Friday, January 21, 2011

Guess Hu's Coming To Dinner

Some thoughts on obama's recent state dinner for Chinese President Hu Jintao:
The singer Barbra Streisand was among the 225 guests who attended the state dinner held in honour of President Hu Jintao of China at the White House.
When asked about her credentials for being invited, Streisand responded: "I worked in a Chinese restaurant."

 Class, Babs, real class...

Former figure skater Michelle Kwan added some eye candy to the proceedings.

I don't usually agree with Donald Trump, but in this case he absolutely nailed it.
Billionaire Donald Trump isn’t too happy about the White House dinner for Chinese President Hu Jintao held Wednesday night. He thinks China is taking advantage of President Barack Obama, Politico reports.
“For us to be holding state dinners for people who are just totally manipulating their currency ... is hard to believe," says Trump, who called "Fox & Friends" to express his dismay. "You don't give dinners to the enemy and that's what they're doing."
So what would Trump do if he was president? "I would say, 'Get off your plane, come to my office and let's talk.'"
And if that didn’t work? "I would have sent them to McDonalds if we didn't make a deal and said, 'Go home,'” Trump says. “The fact is they're laughing at our leadership, and we're letting them get away with murder.”

In addition to the economic shenanigans undertaken by the ChiComs, there's the human rights element.
Hu was the guest of honor at a White House lunch hosted in April 2006 by President George W. Bush, but the Chinese would have much preferred the cachet of a state dinner, said Anita McBride, former First Lady Laura Bush's chief of staff and a guest at the lunch.

McBride said a dinner was nixed because of China's human rights record.

Gee, how about that? A stand on principle, instead of political expediency...

UPDATE: Rush commented on the irony of two Nobel Peace Prize winners (obama and Jimmy Carter) honoring at a state dinner the person responsible for keeping a third Nobel Peace Prize winner in prison (from Peter).

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