Monday, January 31, 2011

FOD - Bend Over

A recent Michell Malkin column notes that the number of waivers granted by the Department of Health and Human Services has jumped from 222 to 729 - in two short weeks! Even more telling, one-fourth of the waivers are for unions.
At the end of last year, the Department of Health and Human Services had granted some 222 temporary waivers to businesses small and large, insurers, labor, and other organizations that offer affordable health insurance or prescription drug coverage with limited benefits. On Wednesday, the agency quietly updated its online list, which now reveals a whopping total of 729 Obamacare escapees – in addition to four states Massachusetts, New Jersey, Ohio, and Tennessee – who collectively cover 2.1 million enrollees.

Most noteworthy: One-fourth of all the waivers (182) have gone to Big Labor groups across the country so far.

Without the HHS-approved exemptions, these health providers would have been forced to drop low-cost coverage for seasonal, part-time, and low-wage workers due to skyrocketing premiums. The only way they are keeping their health care is by successfully begging the feds to spare them from Obamacare. The Democrats’ law seeks to eliminate the low-cost plans (known as “mini-med” plans) under the guise of controlling insurer spending on executive salaries and marketing. The ultimate goal, as I’ve reported before: forcing a massive shift from private to public insurance designed by government-knows-best bureaucrats.
Congressional republicans plan to investigate the Obamacare waiver process. One hopes they will take a close hard look at the HHS reporting process as well.
Last year, the HHS website was very efficient posting a list of ObamaCare waivers that had been granted. Usually by the 3rd of the month the list was updated to included waivers that had been approved in the previous month. But something happened in January ... no new waivers (were) posted (until after the State of the Union speech)..

... the day after the President’s State of the Union, the new waivers are up. You may recall that there were 222 such waivers approved in November. That number has now jumped to 729 through the end of December. The total number of people covered by the waivers has gone from 1.5M to just under 2.2M.
Crap like this is just one more reason to unass that fool and his cronies ASAP. The blatant contradictions, hypocrisy, and outright lying by the loser-in-chief, aided and abetted by his lapdogs in the mainstream media, nauseates anyone who truly cares about the future of this country. Why the sudden lag in reporting waivers? Could it have something to do with efforts underway in congress to repeal obabacare? Or the timing of the SOTU address? Or both?

And the failure of the so-called mainstream media to investigate anything that might remotely cast a negative shadow on the left is sickening. Could it be that they have a vested interest in advancing the 'progressive' agenda?

Only a cynic would think so...


  1. Health and Human Services. Another department to take an ax to.

  2. Illegal immigrants get an automatic exemption.
    (from paying for health care)
