Wednesday, December 15, 2010

TwoFer - FOD and FID Combined

I'm leaving balmy frigid St. Louis today, headed back to God's country.

I don't wanna say it's chilly here, but it's been as cold as my ex-wife's heart. (Rimshot)

Anyway, I'm borrowing a post from Jammie Wearing Fool that highlights the foolishness of both obama and islam idiots. Oh yeah, and that loser eric holder as well.
Glad to have that whole Blank Panther voter intimidation business behind them, the Department of Justice has moved on to bigger game. The civil rights division has launched a lawsuit against a Chicago school district for denying a teacher three weeks off to go on the hajj.
In a civil rights case, the department said the school district in Berkeley, Ill., denied the request of Safoorah Khan on grounds that her requested leave was unrelated to her professional duties and was not set forth in the contract between the school district and the teachers union. In doing so the school district violated the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by failing to reasonably accommodate her religious practices, the government said.
A commentator on the Fox news story also pointed this out.
The Hadj is not based on the solar calender, it is based on a lunar calender. Hence, the Hadj she wishes to attend will happen in the summer, during the school's summer break, just like it did this year.
God knows I'm not an expert on islamic practices (and yes, that's an intentional God - islam contrast), but it's my understanding that the hajij only has to be done once in a person's lifetime. It also looks like it takes place in the summer, at least some of the time. So how is this a violation of that idjit's civil rights?

DOJ - fail.

Common sense - fail.

eric holder, obama, and islam - out of control.

Oh my aching butt...

1 comment:

  1. Thawed out yet?

    On the hajj - once in their lifetime is correct and it is a 5 day event of rituals (throwing rocks, sacrificing animals and shaving heads). 5 days, plus reasonable travel time does not add up to 21 days, notwithstanding of the other arguments.
