Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sunday Funnies

I work in a border town where the population is largely Hispanic. Consequently, most employers seek to hire people who are bilingual. For example, I noticed a sign in an office window that read: "Help Wanted. Must have MS Office computer skills and be bilingual."
As I was reading the sign a dog walked up, sat down besides me, and looked at the sign. After a moment he grabbed the sign in his mouth and went inside. Intrigued, I followed.
The dog went up to the office manager, dropped the sign on his desk, and sat there looking at him expectantly.
The manager laughed and said, "I can't hire a dog for this job."
The dog put his paw on the line that said "Equal Opportunity Employer," barked, and looked back and forth from the manager to me.
The manager saw me watching and said, "Okay, I'll give you a chance. Show me your computer skills."
The dog quickly waltzed through Outlook, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, opening and closing documents, moving files around, sending emails, and creating slide shows. It was quite impressive.
Still, the manager balked. "I can't hire you for this position," he told the dog. "You have to be bilingual.
The dog looked at the manager and replied, "Meow."

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