Saturday, December 11, 2010

On The Road Again

I'm off this morning to a conference in beautiful sunny St. Louis. Yesterday's high temp at home was a sunny 74. The forecast for today's high in St. Louis is 42 degrees, with rain. Then it gets cold. The highs for Sun. - Wed. are forecast to be in the mid-20's, with single digit lows.

The geniuses that planned this thing have an outdoor reception scheduled for Sun night. Who in their right mind plans an outdoor reception for Dec. in St. Louis? The high that day is supposed to be 26, and the low bottoms out at 7 friggin' degrees!!!.

The only clothes I have that can handle those temperatures are my hunting gear. Somehow I doubt that the fancy hotel hosting the conference would appreciate me clomping around in the lobby decked out in camo, with a furry mad bomber's hat, face mask, and snow boots.

I hope the hotel has a nice warm bar...

1 comment:

  1. Seeing the current forecast, with a wind chill below zero, I am hoping that you opted for taking the camo, just in case.
