Saturday, November 6, 2010

They Still Don't Get It

A short compilation of what liberal commentators are saying regarding the election results.

From Graydon Carter, editor of Vanity Fair:
...The general anti-Obama rage out there is palpable. But it’s no more virulent than the anti-Bush sentiment that has pervaded the country for much of the past decade—although this being America, there’s an attendant hatred for Obama that has more to do with race than anything else. What makes today’s fury more worrying is the fact that angry right-wing extremists tend to carry guns in disproportionate numbers to their liberal counterparts.
Ah yes, we're all gun-toting racists. The election has nothing at all to do with his policies. It's all about the color of his skin. And of course it must be us angry right-wing extremists who are shooting up Marine facilities to vent our rage. After all, the Marines are natural targets for the anti-obama crowd.

Then there's MSNBC anchor Dylan Ratigan (and what could be a more descriptive term for MSNBC commentators than "anchor," seeing as how the network's ratings are sinking like an anvil in water):
...during a November 3 segment with Nicolle Wallace, the former George W. Bush staffer told Ratigan that Tea Partiers who fueled last night's electoral shakeup were furious at the direction of the country the past few years.

Ratigan's reply:
"The Tea Partier burns themselves in the town square and then tries to burn the whole town down, because they’re so pissed off. [It] gratifies their anger. Yee ha! You’re mad, you just killed everybody!"

"I’m mad, I’m using it to motivate me to work 18-hour days to try to first propagate the information properly and secondarily organize around it. So while I would say the emotional origin is similar, the manifestation instead of being destroy the country, destroy myself, which is what the Tea Party in my view has become, where the anger is just converted into destruction, that the anger can be converted into construction."
I guess I missed the news stories about Tea Party members setting themselves and surrounding buildings on fire while rioting, looting, and destroying everything in their path.

And while we're on the subject of MSNBC, I'd like to give a shout-out to my buddy Keith Olbermann. Way to put your money where your mouth is, Keith.

Finally, we have Bill Press, host of a liberal radio show (hey, I was as surprised as you are to find out one exists).
Bill Press says what most liberals in the media will only shroud in cryptic code: the voters who swept Democrats out of power in the House are stupid.

During the first hour of his eponymous radio program today, Press wished more liberal politicians would just say what they really think about the constituents they ostensibly serve: "Just once – probably never get reelected if you ever said it – I would like to hear somebody say, 'The voters have spoken, the bastards.'"

The left-wing talk show host suggested a few variations of the insult:

"Or, 'The voters have spoken. What a bunch of idiots.'"

"The voters have spoken. God, they're dumb. Dumb as hell."
They were so much smarter two years ago, right Bill? I wonder how they got so dumb in a short 24 months.
Liberals in the media have repeatedly made the case that the Democrats's dismal approving ratings can be attributed to poor messaging, not that the voters get the message loud and clear but reject the liberal agenda behind it.

Some have taken this argument a step further, arguing that congressional Democrats have languished because their agenda hasn't been liberal enough. But Press is one of those special liberals in the media who cuts through this circuitous argument and tells it like it is: the voters reject liberalism simply because they are knuckle-dragging Neanderthals.
Well, that's enough for now. I've got to go read my Bible and clean my guns ... oh yeah, and gloat...

1 comment:

  1. Did you read the Vanity Fair editorial?

    After calling 'us' angry racists and comparing us to hormonal teenagers, he makes a case for Bill Clinton the centrist.

    Best part is near the beginning when he acknowledges that all of 'us' tend to 'carry guns in disproportionate numbers to our liberal counterparts'.

    Yep, and don't you forget it, mister.
