Monday, November 29, 2010

Fat Lip, Fat Head

The guy can't catch a break these days. A few weeks ago, Obama received a political black eye; now, while enjoying his favorite athletic activity over the Thanksgiving weekend, the President is popped in the face by a friend.
Couldn't happen to a more deserving person. Of course, NPR put a positive spin on it, "That Fat Lip Might Give Obama Some Street Cred," speculating that the scar might "actually fortify President Obama's profile, as he contends with Kim Jong Il, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad or Vladimir Putin," the idea being that emulating Scarface Al Capone could have intimidation potential.

NPR did provide an interesting side note, pointing out that "when Sarah Palin played point guard for the Wasilla High team that won an Alaska state championship, her nickname was 'Sarah Barracuda.'" 

I'd love to see that one-on-one match-up...

And in a related story, Bergheim Follies has just learned that Barney Frank has resigned from congress to take his dream job working for the TSA.