Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Smoke This

On Sep. 29 the Cincinnati reds clinched their first playoff berth in fifteen years. They celebrated by drinking champagne and smoking cigars.

In their own locker room.

Where no members of the public were present.

Of course, the celebration was televised. And that led to this.
The Cincinnati Health Department will investigate the Cincinnati Reds for violations of the state smoking ban after people complained players smoked cigars indoors while celebrating their National League Central Division title Tuesday night.

Five people called a statewide smoking ban complaint hotline ... Those complaints were sent to the city health department today for investigation. (Reds owner Bob ) Castellini will get a letter soon notifying him of the alleged violation.
Oh my aching butt.

These guys were smoking victory cigars to celebrate a championship - a ritual that occurs, at least in Cincinnati, once every 15 years. They were in an isolated location, where no one from the public was present, or even allowed. And some whiny little wimps finked on them to the feds city health department.

The get-a-life losers didn't even have the balls to sign their names. The protests were all filed anonymously.

How does a bunch of happy ballplayers lighting up stogies in their own locker room affect someone watching it from miles away on their television? Whatever happened to Mind Your Own Business?

Just another example of the government overreaching into areas where they don't belong.

If we're not harming anyone just leave us the hell alone.

Why is that such a difficult concept for liberals and the government to understand?

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