Friday, September 3, 2010

Meanwhile, Back On The Surface

The saga of the trapped Chilean miners continues. Rescue efforts are underway, but in the meantime they have access to air, water, food, and communications. Their loved ones are providing support. That, however, may be problematic.  
One of the trapped Chilean miners is in no rush to be rescued -- because both his wife and his longtime mistress will be waiting for him when he finally sees the light of day.

Neither woman was aware of the other's existence until they met at a candlelight vigil for the miners, The Sun newspaper of Britain reported.

Yonni Barrios' wife, Marta Salinas, was shocked to hear another woman shouting her husband's name at the gathering held to support the 33 men who are trapped 2,300 feet underground, the paper said.

They compared notes and figured out that they both had been shafted.
Love that last line. (Rest of the story here.) 
Nothing gets a guy's attention like the possibility of a good cat fight, especially when it involves a couple of sultry Latin beauties.
Okay, I admit it - I'm a pig. I can't help it. It's hardwired in my jeans genes.  

1 comment:

  1. I've read that they are censoring the families letters and the newspapers that they send down to the miners. Poor schmuck might not even know until he gets to the top.
