Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Vacations are wonderful. It's nice to get away from things and recharge your batteries before returning to the grinding crush of reality. Just ask Michelle Obama.
In March, over spring break, Mrs. Obama with her daughters, mom and some pals hit New York for a round of Broadway shows.

The summer started with a Memorial Day weekend trip to Chicago; the family went to the Camp David presidential retreat before July 4; they weekended in Maine, sightseeing in Acadia National Park, departing on July 16 and returning Sunday afternoon July 18. 

The first lady arrived in the Mediterranean coastal city of Marbella (Spain) on Wednesday (Aug. 4), checking in to the super-posh Villa Padierna, along with her daughter, friends, a small number of staffers -- the East Wing would not say how many -- and a security force. (The Obama's older daughter, Malia, 12, is at overnight camp.)

On Thursday, Mrs. Obama's entourage arrived in the historic city of Granada, also in southern Spain. The day also included viewing a flamenco performance and in the evening a visit to the Alhambra palace.

On the weekend of Aug. 14, the first family weekends on the Florida Gulf coast, part of an appeal by President Obama and the first lady to encourage gulf tourism in the wake of the BP oil spill. Between Aug. 19 and 29, the first family will vacation on Martha's Vineyard, where they spent part of last summer.
(Sources: here and here, courtesy of Stilton Jarlsberg)

Theoretically, all this traveling is done at 'minimal' expense to the taxpayers. While she flies on U.S. government aircraft for security purposes, she pays personal expenses herself. And if you believe that, you probably voted for her husband.

I guess she needs a break from the onerous duties required of the First Lady. You know, things like ... well ... ummm ... give me a minute (frantic Google search) ... oh yeah - "The First Lady is not an elected position, carries no official duties, and brings no salary."

Never mind.

You'd think with all that time on her hands she'd pick up a copy of Dress for Success. 

Speaking of vacations, while we were on ours we were joined by obama, pelosi, and reid. It was just for one day, and it was kept secret from the press, but I managed to sneak one quick picture of the three of them in deep conversation.

They're standing in the midst of their policy outcomes...

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