Friday, August 20, 2010


My family and I live in a small town in central Texas. I am a professor at Big State University (Satellite Campus) in a Texas-Mexico border town. During the regular school year (late Aug. - May) I teach three days a week in Border Town.

It's about a three hour drive (one way) between Small Town and Border Town. To make the commute manageable, I have a one-bedroom apartment in Border Town. During the summer, I stay in Small Town.

Over that period, I instruct the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) to forward my mail from Border Town to Small Town (about the only mail I get is utility bills and rent reminders - for some unexplainable reason I can't get these sent to my permanent Small Town address).

Today I returned to Border Town to prepare for the Fall 2010 semester. As a matter of routine I checked my apartment mailbox. The USPS is usually pretty good about forwarding mail, so the only thing in the mailbox was a letter from - you guessed it - the USPS. It was a somewhat tardy confirmation of my forward-mail request.

Aside from it being somewhat late, the only other noteworthy aspect of the letter was the last paragraph:
"If you do not speak English ... please take (this letter) with you to your local post office for assistance."
Do I really need to elaborate...?


  1. CenTex,
    Glad you're around, and it's good to know who you are.
    Will get you blogrolled ASAP.

    -Allen in Fort Worth
