Sunday, August 1, 2010

I'm Tired Of Turning The Other Cheek

I like to think that I'm a fairly tolerant, fairly forgiving, and fairly logical person. But the idea of building a giant mosque at Ground Zero just wrenches my gut. Some make a sound argument in favor of it. Others are strongly opposed.

On this one I've gotta go with my gut. It just feels wrong - very, very wrong. Muslims have traditionally built mosques at the sites of their greatest victories, as the video below points out.

(From The Jawa Report via BMEWS)

The idea of a foreign mosque - in some respects, an enemy outpost - on the site where so much American blood was spilled in a despicable, cowardly, murderous attack by scum-sucking swine who, if there is a just God, are currently rotting in Hell and will remain there throughout eternity, literally sickens me.

(From OLDCATMAN via BMEWS (in the Comments))

I'll go along with a mosque at Ground Zero when churches and synagogues are allowed at Mecca...

Oh, and by the way - check out a couple of the mosque's supporters: Michael Bloomberg and Andrew Cuomo. There's two of the left's most shining stars. Wouldn't have anything to do with real estate values and campaign contributions, would it...?

Bleech - I need to go settle my stomach with a Shiner.

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