Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday the 13th

Well, technically all this started last night (Thurs. the 12th) but I consider that Friday the 13th Eve, so it counts.

We let the dogs out front, and they encountered a porcupine. Fortunately they were more curious than aggressive, and the porky was pretty laid back, so no harm, no foul. We took the mutts around back, where they ran into a skunk. Again luck was with us - they actually came when they were called (for once) and escaped a spraying. They've been skunked twice in the last year, so maybe they're learning, although I doubt it.

Then early this morning (6:30 a-friggin-m) our 16-year old knocked on the bedroom door and said the temperature alarm on the freezer was going off (he leaves the house at 6:45 a.m. to go to work). I went to check it and almost stepped on a scorpion - barefoot, of course. After crushing the bug and looking at the freezer (it wasn't running) I put on a pot of coffee. Went back to look at the freezer again, working under the theory that if I keep checking it'll decide to start working. Returned to the kitchen and found coffee all over the counter and floor. It looks like I put the pot on just off-center enough so that the coffee missed the hole in the top and ran down the sides. 

Cleaned up the mess and started another pot. Went back and fiddled with the freezer. Checked circuit breakers and GFIs, rattled the coil, and finally resorted to that old computer standby. I unplugged it and plugged it back in. Lo and behold, the damn thing started merrily humming away. So now we have to decide if it's okay to eat partially thawed and then refrozen pizza while we wait for the repairman serviceman technician to arrive.

I may put something stronger than half-n-half in my coffee...

1 comment:

  1. Sheesh, hide sharp objects and stay in the house today. When it rains, it pours, huh?
