Monday, July 5, 2010

Say It Ain't So

Change isn't always for the better. From politics (see Obama, Barack Hussein) to sports (see the designated hitter rule) to music (see old Elvis vs. new Elvis), many times it's best not to tamper with the original. Which brings us to Wonder Woman.

I don't read comic books anymore, or illustrated stories, as they're now called. Back in the day I used to hover expectantly around the local drugstore waiting for the latest issue of Superman or Batman. As I grew older my interests shifted to other things, but I still have fond memories of the old standards, one of which was Wonder Woman.

Now comes the disturbing news that WW is getting a makeover. (Story and images from here.)
After 69 years fighting crime in the same spangly swimsuit, it was probably about time Wonder Woman changed her outfit.

That's what DC Comics thinks, and to celebrate the 600th edition of the Wonder Woman legend, the feminist superhero has been given a makeover. Out go the star-studded big knickers, red corset and saucy boots; in come a pair of modest leggings, a blue jacket and some rather more sensible navy shoes.
The costume is part of a reimagining of the comic book icon, which in an alternative history sees Wonder Woman smuggled out of Paradise Island as a baby when unknown forces destroy her home and slaughter its inhabitants.

The new story was devised by J Michael Straczynski, who created the television show Babylon 5 and wrote the screenplay for Changeling in 2008, starring Angelina Jolie.

He told the New York Times today that getting Wonder Woman some new clothes was one of his top priorities in the the job.

"She's been locked into pretty much the exact same outfit since her debut in 1941," he said.

"If you're going to make a statement about bringing Wonder Woman into the 21st century, you need to be bold and you need to make it visual. I wanted to toughen her up, and give her a modern sensibility."

He added: "What woman only wears only one outfit for 60-plus years?"

According to DC, it is "the first significant change in her appearance since the character debuted in 1941".

Not everything has been tinkered with: some fans will be glad to know that she has retained the bowling ball breasts – oddities which the novelist Jodi Picoult (unsuccessfully) asked to be reduced when she was brought in to work on the series in 2006 – because "as a woman, I know you wouldn't fight crime in a bustier".
Hey, if the outfit and BBB's were okay for 69 years, why mess with them now? What's next, playing baseball and football indoors? Oh, wait...

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