Monday, July 26, 2010

It Could Have Been Worse (?)

Lord knows obama has been a dismal failure as president. But when you look back at the other democrap wannabes who fell by the wayside, you might say that it could have been worse.

Al Gore splits the sheets with Tipper, leaves huge carbon footprints all over the place, and turns to massage therapy for a happy ending.

John Edwards fathers a love child with his mistress while his wife is dying of cancer. Classy guy, huh? And oh yeah - it takes the National Enquirer to break the story, because the slimeballs that make up the lamestream media band together to bury it.

John Kerry buys a yacht built in New Zealand (depriving American workers of the jobs) and moors it in Rhode Island to avoid paying higher Massachusetts taxes
“The message is, ‘The American boat builders aren’t good enough, and the Massachusetts people aren’t good enough to maintain it.’ It’s just a bad message all around,” said Connecticut boater Steve Potter. 
Sexual infidelity, hypocritical actions, lying, cheating ... just typical politicians.

Thank God we now have a president who is open, honest, and competent...


  1. I have corrected your post:

    Thank God we now have a president who is openly, honestly incompetent.
