Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Apples and Trees

We have tried very, very hard to raise our kids in a non-judgmental, non-prejudicial environment. So I was quite surprised when the following occurred.

Sitting around the dinner table tonight, chatting about nothing in particular. Out of nowhere the 16 y/o son comes up with:
"Why don't women need drivers licenses?"

"Because there's no road between the kitchen and the laundry room."
I spewed my wine across the table. I didn't know whether to laugh or be appalled. Needless to say, my wife blamed me.

"The apple doesn't fall far from the tree..."


  1. I hope you explained the reason that all brides wear white.

    Silly, everyone knows that all kitchen appliances come in white

    (I have 4 brothers, I ended up a bit warped).


  2. My soon-to-be-16 daughter might nullify your son's joke. With her (lack of) driving skills, I wouldn't be surprised if we ended up with a road through our kitchen to the laundry room.
